
What Makes a Champion S-Tier in League of Legends?

When discussing the S-tier League of Legends champions, it usually means the champions that are the best in the game who dominate the meta. But the question is what makes a LoL champion S-tier? You can also buy League skins to give your gameplay more excitement. This article will explain all the main factors that make a champion S-tier in League of Legends.

Topics discussed:

  1. Versatility Across Roles
  2. Strong Lane Phase
  3. Scaling Potential
  4. Low Counterplay
  5. Adaptability to Meta
  6. Utility and Crowd Control

1. Versatility Across Roles

One of the primary traits of an S-tier LoL champion is versatility. An S-tier champion can often be flexed into multiple roles. Champions like “Sett” or “Gragas”, for example, can be played in top, jungle, or support roles, allowing teams to adapt their draft strategy around them.

Why It Matters

Versatility gives your team flexibility in both drafting and gameplay. A champion who can be slotted into different positions can force the enemy to second-guess their picks and strategies, giving you an edge even before the game begins.

2. Strong Lane Phase

An S-tier champion will often have a dominant lane phase, setting the pace for the rest of the game. The best LoL Champions like “Darius” and “Caitlyn” can take over their lanes early, forcing their opponents to play defensively. Winning lane leads to objective control which snowballs into a stronger mid and late game.

Why It Matters

A strong lane phase provides map pressure and gold leads, allowing your team to secure dragons, rift heralds, and towers more easily. Winning early often translates to dominating the mid-game, giving your team a clear path to victory.

3. Scaling Potential

While early-game strength is important, S-tier League of Legendsm champions typically have great scaling as well. For example, champions like “Kai’Sa” or “Veigar” may start off relatively weak but can become unstoppable late-game threats with the right farm and items. To buy RP LoL at affordable rates visit online stores.

Why It Matters 

Best LOL champions with scaling potential can remain a threat throughout the game. This ensures that even if your team falls behind early, you still have win conditions in the late game.

4. Low Counterplay

S-tier LOL champions often have very few direct counters, meaning they’re harder to deal with in all stages of the game. Champions such as “Yone” or “Fiora” have kits that are difficult to punish due to mobility, sustain or burst potential.

Why It Matters 

Low counterplay allows these champions to perform consistently well across multiple games. It also makes them a safe pick in ranked or competitive play since they’re less likely to get shut down by one bad matchup.

5. Adaptability to Meta

Meta champions are constantly shifting due to patches and balance changes. An S-tier champion not only fits the current meta but thrives in it. League of Legends Champions like “Maokai” in tank metas or “Zed” in assassin-heavy patches shine because the game environment favors their playstyle.

Why It Matters 

If a champion fits well into the meta, they have the upper hand. They’ll be buffed by the game’s current pace and itemization choices, making them even more formidable.

6. Utility and Crowd Control

S-tier champions often bring a mix of damage and utility. Champions like “Thresh” and “Lulu” provide game changing crowd control and peel. Even if they don’t carry in terms of damage their utility makes them invaluable in securing kills and protecting teammates.

Why It Matters

Utility can make or break a teamfight. A well-timed CC or shield can mean the difference between victory and defeat in high-pressure situations.


S-tier champions are not just about being strong in one aspect but they excel in multiple areas. From versatility and lane dominance to scaling potential and synergy with other champions, these picks have everything needed to succeed in both solo queue and competitive play. Understanding what makes a champion S-tier can help you optimize your champion pool, giving you an edge in your next ranked game.

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